How to Support the Band
We need your support for so many reasons, but foremost is these hard working kids. Our main fundraisers are the Football Program advertisements, Band Stand concession sales on the visitors' side of the football stadium, and the March-A-Thon.
Your donations will help us meet our growing band's needs. Growing pains are a welcome problem but expensive to resolve! We anticipate additional growth for the next several years. We need your help to support our students as they proudly represent our school and community.
Make a direct tax-deductible donation via PayPal
(contact us for a receipt and tax ID number)
Support the Sound Wave through everyday purchases you make on!
Shop AmazonSmile through your phone app or through on your laptop and donate to the Band for FREE!!
Amazon App:
1. Open the app
2. Tap the 3 lines on the bottom right
3. Scroll down to Programs & Features
4. Tap the arrow "See all"
5. Scroll down and tap on "AmazonSmile"
6. Search for "Gulf Breeze Band Boosters Association Inc"
7. Select us as your charity and make sure "generating donations" is ON
Amazon on laptop:
1. Go to
2. Put the mouse arrow over "Account & Lists" on top right. In drop down menu, move mouse arrow to "AmazonSmile Charity Lists" and click the link.
3. Use the search bar to locate and select "Gulf Breeze Band Boosters Association Inc".
4. Follow the prompts to finish.
You're ready to shop!
Football Program (paperback)
Advertise your business or honor your student with a salute in the football program printed each fall for sale at all Dolphin home games. Planning begins in May for the current football season. Click for the business form and the student form. Email
Thank you to all the supporters and sponsors of our annual March-A-Thon!
The annual March-A-Thon is the single largest fundraiser for the band and typically takes place in the fall. During this event, the band will march over three miles through the heart of Gulf Breeze, along with police escorts and parent volunteers, to raise community and school spirit in addition to raising much-needed money for the band. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Sound Wave marching band! Information on next years March-A-Thon will be coming out soon.
Buy our Merchandise
You can always find the latest coolest Sound Wave swag on our band merch page!
"The John Chapin Percussion Equipment Fund"
This continuing fund is in memory of John Chapin who lost his battle with ALS earlier in 2017. The fund began in March of the same year by his daughter, Kristen Johnson, and her stepmother in the amount of a $5,000 donation. John Chapin was a very talented percussionist. Music was his love, and this is something he instilled in his children and also his grandchildren, Kort and Hailey Gilbert, who were in the GB Percussion Ensemble. The aim of this fund is to assist the band in purchasing percussion equipment when it is needed. The group has exponentially outgrown its battered equipment. No staff member wants to read the most heart breaking comment from a judge that your kids are limited by the age of the equipment they are using. This fund is meant to try to bridge that gap. Every instrument purchased with this fund will have a placard with his name on it so that in years to come the students will remember why they are here.